Sunday, January 18, 2009

Greatest - Poem by Samson Koshy


Some written thoughts
A woven relationship
the paper lost
A stronger relationship.
A sense of willingness
The power of love
Creating newness
And the power to love.
An adventure
A hope for the future
To hope and faith
For the greatest is Love.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy

Infinity - Poem by Samson Koshy


If everything was certain
Nothing would exist
When it's uncertain
Creativity exists
and choices exists.
And from creativity
Comes eternity
And from choices
Comes destiny.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy

Heavenly -- Poem By Samson Koshy


Jupiter and Venus,
they have seen us.
Two eyes that shine
with the crescent moon;
that smiles down while we dine
not a moment too soon.
A rare smile
seen from many miles,
the heavens shining light
giving power and wisdom
As our hearts reflect the light
in our own kingdom.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy

Couple - Poem by Samson Koshy


Pouring one's heart out 
Before the night is out
Resolving issues before dawn
Fire when the lights are gone
The crux of a relationship
Is every line above
And every line in between
The heart of a relationship 
Is about caring, giving and love
And every act in between.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy

Purple -- By Samson Koshy


What is it about purple?
It's red and bold.
It's blue and cold.
like everyone has one true color,
does it make the meaning fuller?
Is it about the basic things,
one cares and thinks?
Is it the shades we dribble?
Like the trees may change color
for different seasons;
We may change our colors
for different reasons !

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy

Belief - Poem by Samson Koshy


Air we cannot see but feel,
the medium of music that heals,
the winds that show direction;
showing the clues of our afflictions,
that always talks in tunes,
helping us find our peace,
tunes us to our love of that,
lease us a second coming.
For what we cannot believe,
we feel.
For what we feel
we believe.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright (c) 2009 Samson Samuel Koshy