Friday, December 5, 2008

Understanding - Poem by Samson Koshy

Understanding is like new birth
of knowledge and wisdom,
Keeps one grounded to the earth
And does expand one's kingdom.
Understanding brings peace
And the truth of right and wrong.
It irons out the mental creases
And keeps one's heart strong.
Understanding is new earth
A new focus for what it's worth.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright ©2008 Samson Samuel Koshy

Picture - Poem by Samson Koshy

A picture says a lot of words ,
Our eyes see a story,
Our deeds bring in the context ,
And the future we foresee.
Remembering the contents,
Trying to picture the words,
Thoughts are felt,
Something that would never melt.

Samson Samuel Koshy
Copyright ©2008 Samson Samuel Koshy